Tri-North Middle School is a Green Ribbon School
The U.S. Department of Education has recognized Tri-North Middle School as a Green Ribbon School for its green initiatives, sustainability, and innovation in education. We’re proud to have contributed to this achievement through sustainable MEPT engineering.
Tri-North’s rooftop solar array has saved the school over $80,000 in just more than two years and the school has reintroduced native plants and grasses in a no-mow and no-pesticide area that is now a welcoming habitat for many different species.
Read more about Tri-North’s achievements from The Herald-Times.
Size 156,000 SF New Construction
Construction Completion 2021
Building Project Summary
The Tri-North Middle School design utilizes next-generation learning elements including an open media center, collaboration spaces, and small group rooms throughout the building. Teachers and administrators had expressed the need for spaces to be flexible and adaptable to a rapidly changing educational world.
The Middle School is a new school being constructed on the same site as the existing school building, which was completely functional throughout construction. A focus on energy efficiency required extensive building modeling to review all HVAC system options.
R.E. Dimond and Associates’ mechanical team designed a closed-loop geothermal system with terminal heat pumps and energy recovery ventilators to meet energy efficiency goals. The electrical department designed roof-mounted solar arrays and utilized LED lighting for the socially responsible school district.