Posted on January 25, 2022

New construction or renovation projects hit delays and snags like any major project. But many issues that cause delays can be avoided. Breakdowns in communication are one of many human errors that can be engineered out of projects.
R.E. Dimond and Associates has learned how clear communication methods pull projects back in line when they have been led off-budget or off-schedule.
Lean construction projects start with lean planning
Construction work on a building is streamlined using 3D models and other technology like Building Information Modeling (BIM).
Typically, architects or building planners will use 3D models or schematics, take those designs to another tool for clash detection to identify any issues—like pipe, duct, equipment, etc coordination—and then transfer those plans to the construction contractors.
The problem in all of these steps is a mismatch between design teams that becomes a game of telephone where some details inevitably get lost or overlooked.
Our MEP consulting engineers can help eliminate a few of these steps in the name of lean project management. We can work directly with the architects to sync plans and models, conduct clash detection, fix problems, and find some useful cost reduction methods along the way. All before the contractors arrive on site.
The benefit here is everyone from the architects to the building contractors are involved the whole way. This continuous process means everyone is in the loop with files in sync. It keeps projects on time, on or under budget, and can even get building projects that have gone off-schedule back on track.
Plus, if a design change is requested, tools we use like AutoDesk’s Revit allows our MEP engineers to work with precise measurements on every beam, doorway, wall, duct, pipe, building envelope, and every other measurable surface. This reduces trips to the job site, prevents misordering supplies or material, and further optimizes costs.
Involve MEP systems into your building project from the start
Mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems that are treated as an afterthought will lead to more problems later. That’s why your planning process should include MEP engineers from the beginning.
Rather than revising projects halfway through, you can expect our MEP consulting engineers to bring skills and expertise that save everyone time and money. Skilled MEP engineers can identify ways to eliminate excess ductwork here and reduce piping over there.
In some projects, we’ve saved clients enough money in reduced energy costs to cover our skilled consulting costs over time. For instance, experienced MEP engineers ensure the correct mechanical equipment is installed in your building, saving you upfront and long-term costs.
Reduce waste and resource usage with the right equipment
Reducing waste and resource usage will save you time and money in the short and long term.
Skilled MEP engineers examine all of the building materials, operational costs, and functional requirements of your building early in the schematic design and design development phases. During these phases, we can identify mechanical, electrical, and plumbing systems that are appropriate for your building’s size, heating and cooling, plumbing, and electrical needs.
With proper planning, MEP systems like HVAC units avoid being under or over-powered for your building’s needs. Over-powered systems waste more money later through wasted electrical or water resource usage, and under-powered systems reduce building comfort and require costly maintenance later because they’re being over-taxed.
Hire MEP engineers with strong connections to the construction industry
Strong connections build strong reputations, and that leads to better construction and building projects. R.E. Dimond and Associates enjoys low industry-defining change order rates.
- At Brownsburg High School, our MEP Omissions Change Order rate was 0.005%.
- Tri-North Middle School’s new construction MEP Change Order rate was 0.36%
- Guilford Elementary’s new construction in Plainfield had a MEP Change Order rate of 0.16%.
These low change orders come from in-depth field studies, constant communication, and in-depth documentation that results in competitive construction bids.
And because COVID-19 is disrupting material supply chains and labor, a change order that results in a delay for your plumbing system might mean the plumbing contractors are pushed out a week, which conflicts with another project they’re already booked on. Meaning they can’t get back to your construction project for another three months or more.